Gear Reviews

Uke Review: Amahi C-01 Flamed Tiger Maple Concert

A musical beauty with a warm and clear tone  BY EDDIE SCHER | FROM THE SUMMER 2020 ISSUE OF UKULELE The Flamed Tiger Maple Concert from Amahi’s Exotic Woods line is an all-maple ukulele with a bound body and neck.…



Uke Tales: An Amazing Coincidence

By Sandor Nagyszalanczy For my most recent “Great Ukes” article in the print magazine [Editor’s note: Summer 2019], I wrote about Gibson ukuleles, including a little history and a take on how much variation there is in their line of…

Uke Tales: A Story Often Told

By Sandor Nagyszalanczy Uke Tales is an exploration of ukuleles with an interesting story, connection, or just a lovely instrument. I think everybody has a story that they simply love to tell. They love it so much, in fact, that they…