Many of the concepts here may not be new to you, but this will give you a template to improve your playing and enhance the sound of your group at the same time

Here's how to build chords starting on each note of the major scale, as well as some common chord progressions found in thousands of songs

These tips will help you avoid developing bad habits

One of the most important parts of learning to play ukulele is ear training and becoming familiar with the intervals of the major and chromatic scales.

Here’s a comprehensive primer on how to read ukulele music notation, covering all of the notational aspects for any type of ukulele.

Strums and rhythms can be a very powerful musical tool and, when used correctly, can completely change the entire mood of a song without even changing the chords.

This first of a three-part series gets into goal setting and tracking progress, notation, playing cleanly, technique, and more

Nearly everything that can be done on slide guitar can be transferred to the ukulele. Here's how to get started with playing bottleneck slide blues on ukulele.

This ukulele lesson looks at a simple arpeggio that has the power to quickly unlock big changes in your playing, whether you are a beginner or a seasoned musician.

It's no secret that the key to getting better on ukulele is practice. Here are some tips to help you come up with a ukulele practice routine that works for you.