How can I subscribe to Ukulele Magazine?
To become a subscriber,
When will I receive my first issue?
For domestic orders, please allow 68 weeks for your first copy of Ukulele to arrive. For foreign orders, please allow 810 weeks.
I received a damaged issue of Ukulele, how can I get a replacement copy?
What is my customer number?
If you have a subscription to Ukulele, it is on your mailing label. See diagram. Note: it does not include the forward slash and subsequent number(s), just the first numbers.
When does my subscription expire?
The expiration date of your subscription can be found on the upper right-hand corner of your magazine label.
I missed an issue of Ukulele; how can I get a replacement copy?
(Click here to report a missing issue)
There are several reasons why you may not get your issue including change of address, issues with payment processing, or an expired subscription. We will gladly replace any current issue of a valid subscription not received by the first day of the issue month.
How can I order back issues of Ukulele?
How to access digital editions of the magazine?
Click Here
It will ask you to enter your customer number or email address and zip code to login. You can view the issue as a PDF or through the website. You are welcome to view any back issue with your subscription.
Mailing List
Ukulele periodically makes its subscriber names available to selected organizations for marketing purposes. If you do not wish to have your name made available, please contact us by e-mail or in writing (UKULELE, STRINGLETTER PUBLISHING, PO BOX 8502, BIG SANDY, TX 75755-9862) and we will remove your name from the mailing list.