Last Minute Mother’s Day Gift Ideas

Sometimes these things just sort of creep up on you and, before you know it, suddenly it’s that special day to honor the mothers in our lives. So, if you’ve got a uke lovin’ mama in your life and need some inspiration for what to get her, we’ve compiled a last minute list of some fun things in our store that might just do the trick!
Made of 100% cotton in a tiny town on the coast of California, this retro inspired tote bag is a great gift for the mom on the run. From stuffing groceries and after school goodies to notebooks and tuners for uke club, this bag will be her go-to for showing her ukulele love every day.
What gal doesn’t love flowers on special days? And, the upside with the ribbon lei, is that these flowers will last forever! This item is one of our all time favorites because not only can one adorn a trusted and cute ukulele, but it can even be worn on the wrist for flare!
3. The ‘Ukulele Convention’ Tea Towel
If that uke mama in your life is anything like ours, she loves having silly goodies in the kitchen to make cooking more fun. And, our super popular ‘Ukulele Convention’ towel is a great way to bring the goofy side of the ukulele into all parts of the home.
Speaking of kitchens, the super duper popular cookie cutter is an awesome gift for mom. And, even better? It’s the gift that keeps giving; think of all of those delicious cookies you’ll get out of the deal!
Every mom needs her coffee. And she needs a lot of it. So grab her our sturdy, USA made, 15 oz. mug for those mornings where she really just needs all the coffee. Just make sure to stay out of her way until it’s done.
Whatever it is you decide on, we’re sure it will please mom and make her feel special. And, don’t forget to check out the rest of our goodies in the Ukulele Store if these aren’t quite right!