Jim D’Ville Leads Two Ukulele Workshops in Nashville

He’s played at the NAMM Show, taken the stage in the UK, and now, Ukulele contributing editor Jim D’Ville, of Play Ukulele By Ear, is headed to Nashville! On Saturday, October 12, D’Ville will lead two workshops at Music City’s Lane Music, and hosted by Music City Ukes.
Both workshops, Learning Songs the Fun Way: By Ear and The Emotional Value of Chords, are crafted for ukulele enthusiasts of all skill levels. Each workshop is one hour with a short break in between the two offerings, which kicks off at 2pm and runs until 5pm. D’Ville is a longtime music educator who has taught thousands of players internationally and is a staunch advocate of getting ukulele players off tabs/sheet music and into the habit of playing by ear.
To reserve your spot email: dville@teleport.com. Lane Music is located at 1625 Galleria Blvd., in Brentwood. Cost is $35.