Kids to Compete in Ukulele Contest

Silicon Valley may be the home to all things digital, but this weekend it will be treated to a dose of something altogether analog–the 1st Annual Ukes for Kids SF Bay Area Ukulele Contest in San Mateo, California.
Kids from all over the area will compete on Sunday, August 3 for a new KoAloha ukulele and a chance to perform on Pacific Vibes Radio. Ukulele magazine, which is one of the contest sponsors, will also be donating free to the 12 contest finalists, and will toss in a Ukulele magazine T-shirt to the winner.
The finalists have already been selected after performing in Berkeley, California, and have been divided into three categories: solo 13 years and younger, solo 14 years to 17 years, and vocal 17 years and younger.
For more information on the contest and the 19th Annual San Francisco Bay Area Aloha Festival, check out the event’s website.