Summer Ukulele Webinars Announced by National Association for Music Education

For many people, the urge to learn the ukulele hits when spring gives way to summer.
That annual trend is not lost on the National Association for Music Education, who are launching a new webinar series to help ukulele beginners get started on a four-stringed adventure.
“If you’re the least bit curious, this summer could be the perfect time to get your hands on one by signing up for the Uke ‘n’ Roll series of webinars being hosted by the National Association for Music Education in June and July 2014,” NAfME said in a press release.
The dates for the four, 75-minute webinars are June 17, June 24, July 1, July 8, and each session starts at 7 p.m. E.D.T. The online lessons cost $70. For more information, visit NAfME’s website.