Uke Ogling: Mirabella Concert Ukulele Offered for $15,000

Every so often we head over to E-Bay to have a gander at the priciest ukulele for sale on the site. This week, it’s a Mirabella concert uke, with a rather eye-popping asking price of $15,000.
Made by New York luthier Cristian Mirabella, the seller is providing scant details about the uke, which he calls “a one of a kind piece.”
“Made by special order, this ukulele, with it’s heavily figured woods and abalone trimmings makes this ukulele something more than special,” the seller’s text reads.
Reached by phone at his workshop in Babylon, New York, Mirabella said the concert uke is one of only two that were commissioned.
“I started making ukuleles for my kids,” the renowned luthier, whose archtop guitars can sell for upwards of $45,000, said. “It wasn’t something I was doing regularly.”
Made of koa, with an ebony fingergoard, the ukulele was commissioned by a client in 2002, though Mirabella says he doesn’t recall the original price.
As yet, the E-bay seller has yet to receive any bids on this very rare uke.