With singing as pleasant as a thrush nightingale and demeanor as fun and friendly as a black-capped chickadee, it’s no surprise the Birdwatchers are gaining popularity in the uke world
The in-demand ukulele festival instructor discusses his original music and his somewhat unusual road to becoming one of the most respected Hawaiian musicians on the mainland
The complexity of Indian music might seem overwhelming, but knowing just a few basics can give you the tools to appreciate the art form’s spectacular richness
This solid wood instrument is designed to achieve the sound, look, and feel of the classic Martin Style 0 ukulele—with a few modern upgrades
This second in a two-part series on arranging songs for ukulele includes tips on adding jazzy elements and other snazzy twists
I was intrigued: Could a concert-size instrument have the tonal heft of a true tenor?
The ukulele’s power for human connection is genuinely magnificent at festivals, where it has the uncanny ability to bring like-minded people together