Watch Ukulele Master Ledward Kaapana Play “Weeha Swing”

By Greg Olwell
Without a doubt, Ledward Kaapana is one of the true living masters of the ukulele. For decades now, the Big Island native has been one of the premier musicians from Hawaii with his work on ukulele and slack-key guitar inspiring people wherever he performs.
In this video posted by “markwitz,” Kaapana plays “Wheeha Swing,” a slack-key classic from Sonny Chillingworth, at a show at Don Quixote’s International Music Hall in Felton, California, on October 26. The way he plays with the melody and rhythm is a big part of what makes watching and listening to Led so much fun. There is much to learn in this clip about keeping a groove and stretching it back-and-forth and making the melody swing.
Led is playing a ukulele made for him by Chuck Moore, and seen in our recent feature on Chuck’s work.
Bonus Led, with him on guitar with late slide master Bob Brozman.