Greg Olwell

Greg Olwell

Editor, Ukulele magazine Senior editor, Acoustic Guitar magazine

The Ohio Ukulele Campout

By Jim D’Ville I could hear the last hurrah of boisterous summer strumming wafting through the forested hilltops of north central Ohio. Yes, it’s once again time for the annual Ohio Ukulele Campout! Now in its fourth year, the OUC…

Ukulele Concerto Performance Coming to Michigan

The string section of an orchestra usually includes dozens of violins, violas, cellos, and double basses. For one night in November, the Michigan Philharmonic Orchestra will add a ukulele for a special concerto. “Jumpin’” Jim Beloff will be performing his piece Uke…


Fun at the Los Angeles International Ukulele Festival

By Craig Chee The 2nd annual Los Angeles International Ukulele Festival was a fun-filled celebration of the ukulele, held at the Torrance Cultural Arts Center, in Torrance, California, September 24. There were many more events this year including uke workshops,…


New Eddy Finn Cigar Box Uke

There’s a long tradition of upcycling old cigar boxes into musical instruments. Over the decades, many homegrown builders have taken to making ukuleles, guitars, or just about anything else for strings with these lovely leftovers. While this is mostly been…