Learn to Play Cliff Edwards’ Ukulele Classic ‘Fascinating Rhythm’
Learn to play Cliff “Ukulele Ike” Edwards' “Fascinating Rhythm,” as first seen along with Fred and Adele Astaire as part of the Broadway musical Lady, Be Good.
BY ADAM PERLMUTTER | FROM THE SUMMER 2019 ISSUE OF UKULELE The beginning of 1969 was a difficult time for the Beatles’ George Harrison, who had become disillusioned about the band’s business affairs and even quit temporarily. But things began…
BY DANIEL WARD | FROM THE SPRING 2019 ISSUE OF UKULELE In music performance and notation, legato (Italian for “tied together”; French lié; German gebunden) indicates that musical notes are played or sung smoothly and connected. That is, the player makes a transition from note to…