It's no secret that wearing a Hawaiian shirt can put anyone in a relaxed mood. Here are some ukulele-themed Hawaiian shirts from a trio of collectors.

In the 1930s, Harmony created a new instrument model named for the Art Moderne design style it embodied, decorated with an array of geometrical forms.

A new stage show called Uked!, which bills itself “the first play-along ukulele musical,” sold out a series of shows when it premiered in Australia.

For some holiday cheer, here are videos of 4 Christmas tunes, performed by Cynthia Lin, David and Claire Crosby, Victoria Vox, and Ukulenny.

The action in this short excerpt from the new book "UKEtopia! Adventures in the Ukulele World" takes place in 1998, as the 3rd wave was still gaining momentum.

The 10 songs on The Beatles' 1970 album "Let It Be" are reimagined for the ukulele in this collection of videos.

The nonprofit Ukulele Kids Club has donated ukuleles to at least 40 hospitals that specialize in pediatric care to help with music therapy for patients.

Vintage sounds, sparkling energy, jazzy stylings, and irrepressible spirit burst are hallmarks of the ukulele-driven sound of the band Victor & Penny.

James Hill shares his thoughts on how ukulele festivals might evolve in this third wave of ukulele.

The release of the star-studded Jake & Friends is further proof (not that it’s needed) that there is no one in the ukulele universe quite like Jake Shimaukuro.