
Listen to 10 Great Ukulele Recordings from the 1920s!

BY EDDIE SCHER Record companies sold more than 100 million records each year between 1920 and 1929, and some of the biggest stars of the era played ukulele. It can take some patience to listen to this music—tempos and pitches…


Am I Too Old to Learn Ukulele?

There are plenty of advantages to being an adult beginner when it comes to learning how to play musical instruments BY JIM D’VILLE | FROM THE SPRING 2021 ISSUE OF UKULELE “Oh, look! There’s that four-year-old kid on YouTube shredding…


the best apps for ukulele

The Best Apps for Ukulele Players

Here are some great apps for ukulele players to help improve your groove, teach you new techniques, or connect you with the global community of uke players.