
Ohta Jr., Taimane & Fuchigami Win Big

The winners of Hawaii’s prestigious Nā Hōkū Hanohano awards were announced in a lavish ceremony May 25. Some big names in the ukulele world walked away with awards from the Hawaii Academy of Recording Arts, which hosts the event at…


From the Ukulele Editor: Hot Fun in the Strummer Time

BY GREG OLWELL I get plenty of different answers when I get the chance to talk to ukulele players about what they might like to see in this magazine. They have favorite players they wish to see interviewed, or ask…

The Muse and Magic of Jazz Ukulele Maven Curt Sheller

BY LIL REV | FROM THE SUMMER 2019 ISSUE OF UKULELE If the ukulele world had its own trading cards, there would be no shortage of superheroes. We know their names and have heard many of them at festivals and on…

Rexcraft’s Mysterious Metal Uke

BY TOM WALSH | FROM THE SUMMER 2019 ISSUE OF UKULELE Recently, Ukulele reader William Wright sent in photos of an unusual triangular all-metal ukulele, seeking information about its manufacturer. After a search in my photo archives, I was able…


‘Game of Thrones Theme’ on Ukulele!

With the HBO series Game of Thrones wrapping up an enormously popular run later today, it seems like the perfect time to share this video of Maui’s Andrew Molina playing his arrangement of the the theme from Game of Thrones.…