
Checking in with Jake Shimabukuro on Tour

By Laurence Vittes As with most top-tier ukulele players Jake Shimabukuro is a very busy guy. From now through February 2020 he’ll be playing concerts with his trio in more than 30 cities, featuring both original tracks and takes on…

Les Tussing on His Cigar Box Ukuleles

By Laurence Vittes Turns out Les Tussing, a 71-year-old retiree with an interesting ukulele habit, is based in Folsom, California, where Johnny Cash once sang at the prison, and is now rated as among the most attractive of Sacramento’s suburbs.…


John Denver & The IV Chord

by Jim D’Ville Sure he had those boyish good looks—the impish smile, wire-rim glasses, and floppy hat. But it was his extensive use of the IV chord in his music which commanded us to turn over our hearts to him.…


The Metronome In Your Head

By Jim D’Ville In the Fall 2019 issue of Ukulele, Grammy award-winning musician Cathy Fink presents a wonderful lesson extolling the virtues of incorporating a metronome into one’s daily practice regimen. She’s right! The metronome is the one true musical…

Ukulele Chord Changers

What’s the Deal with Ukulele Chord Changers?

One of the enduring truths about the ukulele is that it’s an accessible instrument. Its four little strings match up nicely with a player’s four fretting hand fingers and it is relatively easy to play. Even on someone’s first day…