
End of Summer Ukulele Blowout in SoCal

On Saturday, August 29, our friends Heidi Swedberg and Daniel Ward will be throwing an End of Summer Ukulele Blowout at the E.P. Foster Library in historic downtown Ventura, California. The free family-friendly event, which will take place from 1 to 5 pm,…


Master Uke Maker Pete Howlett Battles Parkinson’s

For more than 20 years, esteemed U.K. luthier Pete Howlett has been building world-class ukes, often generating lengthy customer waiting lists in the process. When he began, he made an “open declaration” that he would retire from building once he hit…

Bohemian Guitars Introduces Line of Ukes

Bohemian Guitars has made quite a splash with its oilcan-bodied instruments, which have already landed in the hands of artists from G. Love to Valerie June to Hozier. Just recently, the company unveiled its Boho Series 2.0, and included in…

Ukulele virtuoso's Brittni Paiva, Kalei Gamiao, Andrew Molina, Kris Fuchigami, Corey Fujimoto

The Next Jake: 5 Up-And-Coming Hawaiian Artists to Watch

By Kenny Berkowitz They’re young, they’re phenomenally talented, and they’re dreaming of becoming the next Jake Shimabukuro. And why shouldn’t they? Meet the future stars of Hawaiian ukulele. Brittni Paiva Hometown: Hilo, Hawaii Covers: “Boogie Woogie Bossa Nova,” “Somewhere Over…


Jake Shimabukuro performing with the Hawaii Symphony Orchestra

Byron Yasui Pens a Ukulele Tour de Force for Jake Shimabukuro

By Audrey Coleman Photography courtesy of Hawaii Symphony Orchestra It’s not that nobody has ever thought of writing a concerto for the ukulele. In 1999, the Wallingford (Connecticut) Symphony Orchestra commissioned uke player-composer Jim Beloff to write Uke Can’t Be Serious:…