Songs For Beginners: ‘Jingle Bells’ Fingerstyle Arrangement

This beginner ukulele fingerstyle arrangement of “Jingle Bells” features common G, C, D, and A major chords with few twists. There are melodic passages combined with harmony, and some strumming as well. There’s also a tricky position shift you’ll need to master to get the fingering right for this arrangement. Look out for the trill, which uses a hammer on and pull off to create an ornamentation in one spot of the melody.
Check out more from our Fingerstyle Songs For Beginners series here
Expect a straightforward 1 to 2 weeks effort to nail this one—maybe a bit longer if you’re just starting out with fingerstyle ukulele.
[Note: in the video, it is mentioned that it is important not to play any note on the fourth string on the last chord. The notation does show the fourth string being played, however, and if played this way the chord will still be in harmony and sound good. Your choice!]
Mustafa Kamaliddin is a ukulele and guitar teacher specializing in fingerstyle playing. You can see more of his videos in his Ukulele Fingerstyle Basics Course and on his YouTube channel.

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