Andrew Molina Ukulele Session NAMM 2016

Ukulele Sessions NAMM 2016: Andrew Molina

Here’s Andrew Molina performing “Let’s Roll” on his Kamaka at the Ukulele Magazine booth at NAMM 2016. You may recognize Molina from our list “The Next Jake: 5 Up-And-Coming Hawaiian Artists to Watch,” or from this father/son cover of Led…

Ukulele Sessions NAMM 2016: Ted Wulfers

Ted Wulfers stopped by the Ukulele Magazine booth at NAMM 2016 to perform a tune on his Koaloha Tenor Uke. Watch the singer-songwriter perform his breezy, freewheeling songs “Find Some Peace” and “Play the Ukulele,” from his new album You Are Here.

Cordoba Ukes NAMM2016

Cordoba Ukuleles Unveils 24 Series at Winter NAMM 2016

At Winter NAMM 2016, Cordoba Ukuleles released its 24 series, a new line of ukuleles available in Soprano, Concert, Tenor, Tenor Cutaway (with a pickup), and Baritone. Cordoba also released a new mini guitar if any of you ukers want to try a new…


Kalei Gamiao Session NAMM2016

Ukulele Sessions NAMM 2016: Kalei Gamiao

Kalei Gamiao stopped by the Ukulele booth at NAMM 2016 to perform “Separate Ways” on his Kamaka tenor ukulele. Watch the deft fingerpicker play “Separate Ways” in advance of his world tour with Taimane Gardner. Read more about Kalei in Ukulele‘s Fall 2015 issue.


Blackbird’s New Ekoa Uke Is Indestructible

  Uke makers converged on Anaheim, California, this week–along with makers of musical instruments of all kinds–for the annual Winter NAMM Show, and among the highlights this year will be San Francisco-based Blackbird Guitars’ new Farallon. It’s a tenor ukulele…