
Getting Started on Baritone Ukulele

Joanna Wallfisch is Biking with her Baritone Ukulele

Learn To Play “Woodpile Waltz,” a Fingerpickin’ Tune for Baritone Ukulele

Ukulele Review: Ohana’s ‘Baritone-Tenor’ BKT-70G, 6-String CK-70-A6, and Marcy Marxer Signature BK-35CG

Kala Unveils 3 New U-Basses, a Baritone, and a Special Edition Tenor at NAMM 2018
Mikela and Magnus from Kala Brand Music shows off the new additions to the company’s extensive line of ukuleles and U-Basses. First up, the new baritone addition to the Exotic Mahogany line. The Exotic Mahogany Baritone comes with a laminated…

Roundup: Get the Lowdown on 7 Baritone Ukuleles

Great Ukes: The Birth of The Baritone
From the Spring 2016 issue of Ukulele | BY SANDOR NAGYSZALANCZY Quick quiz: Among the four common sizes of ukuleles—soprano, concert, tenor, and baritone—which one is tuned differently? Answer: the baritone. While the first three are tuned in standard “C”…

Learn to Play “Drowsy Maggie,” a Traditional Irish Reel That Works Great on Baritone Uke
From the Spring 2017 issue of Ukulele | BY BRIAN FOX Resolved: The ukulele is the fiddle of the 21st century. While that claim might raise the hackles of the bow-and-rosin set, there’s a mighty argument to be made.…

Kala Introduces 8-String Baritone + More NAMM 2017
By Greg Olwell In a visit to Kala Brand Music‘s booth at the 2017 NAMM show, they showed us the company’s new concert-size Waterman ukulele, plus tons of new designs and colors on the Ukadelic and Makala Shark and Dolphin lines, including concert…