Readers write in to Ukulele magazine about falling in love with ukulele, recovering from injury, remembering Auntie Genoa Keawe, and the life-saving power of ukulele.

Here is an assortment of ukulele festivals and events taking place around the U.S. during September, October, and November 2022.

The ukulele world lost a true giant and a great friend when Samuel Kamaka, Jr. passed away on March 15, 2022, at the age of 99, just three months shy of his 100th birthday.

A new stage show called Uked!, which bills itself “the first play-along ukulele musical,” sold out a series of shows when it premiered in Australia.

For some holiday cheer, here are videos of 4 Christmas tunes, performed by Cynthia Lin, David and Claire Crosby, Victoria Vox, and Ukulenny.

The 10 songs on The Beatles' 1970 album "Let It Be" are reimagined for the ukulele in this collection of videos.

The nonprofit Ukulele Kids Club has donated ukuleles to at least 40 hospitals that specialize in pediatric care to help with music therapy for patients.

Vintage sounds, sparkling energy, jazzy stylings, and irrepressible spirit burst are hallmarks of the ukulele-driven sound of the band Victor & Penny.

Here are some of the most well-known ukulele players throughout history and playing today that you should know about.

We started reading about uke club members devastated that all their planning and work for these events were for naught. So, we thought, why don't we do an online festival?