
jerry nick carlos roger bobby ukulele lesson 3 chord magic

Unlock the Truth of A Song with Only 3 Chords

  BY JIM D’VILLE | FROM THE SUMMER 2018 ISSUE OF UKULELE Nashville songwriter Harlan Howard wrote and co-wrote thousands of three-chord country gems including “Heartaches by the Number,” “I Fall to Pieces,” and “I’ve Got a Tiger by the…

Uke Tales: Ukulele Number One

By Sandor Nagyszalanczy Since this is my first installment for this new online feature, I thought it appropriate to tell the story of my very first ukulele. In 1956, when I was just two-and-a-half years old, my mother, father and I…


The Ukulele World Congress Turns X!

Words by Jim D’Ville // Photos by author unless noted When the glaciers from the last Ice Age ceased their advance in south central Indiana some 12,000 years ago, the geologic upheaval created the magnificent sylvan paradise that is now…

New Grave Marker for the Earliest Known Ukulele Builder1

New Memorial Commemorates Early Ukulele Builder

After more than 100 years of tropical weather in Honolulu’s Makiki Cemetery, the inscription on the gravestone of Augusto Dias is barely legible: AUGUSTO DIAS FALECEO/A 5 DE FEVE DE 1915 COM 73 ANNOS DE EDADE That’s why a group…

Two Ukulele Albums Win Big at Hawaiian Music Awards

Two of this year’s finest ukulele-centered albums won awards at the 41st annual Na Hoku Hanohano awards. The awards are given by the Hawaii Academy of Recording Arts and the ceremony was held at the Hawaii Convention Center in Honolulu,…


ukulele friends jake herb bryan the sequel

Bryan Tolentino & Herb Ohta Jr. Ukulele Friends: The Sequel

BY GREG OLWELL Considering their long-term friendship, Honolulu’s tight musical scene, and the fact that their first Ukulele Friends collaboration earned them a major award for “Ukulele Album of the Year” from the Hawaiian Academy of Recording Arts in 2016,…