
Bring a Wig! 2018 West Coast Ukulele Retreat Reviewed

Text by Jim D’Ville //Photos: Courtesy of West Coast Ukulele Retreat If you were going to this year’s West Coast Ukulele Retreat, you were encouraged to wear flowers in your hair as an homage to 1967 and the Summer of…

The 2018 Allegheny Ukulele Soiree

Text by Jim D’Ville // Photos by Eric Max Springtime in the Alleghenies sounds like the title to a Nelson Eddy and Jeanette McDonald musical from the 1940s, but in reality it’s the season and location for the annual Allegheny Ukulele…

ukulele events geraldine jake shimabukuro

Ukulele Events: Summer 2018

COMPILED BY AUDREY COLEMAN Submission Information Listings are free for ukulele events, though we may not have space to include every submission. Deadlines for the next four issues are: Fall 2018 issue     May 14, 2018 Winter 2018     August…

Ukulele Casey MacGill Joey Lusterman Photo 1

For Casey MacGill, the Swing is the Thing

BY JIM D’VILLE | FROM THE SUMMER 2018 ISSUE OF UKULELE Casey MacGill’s ukulele playing swings! That swing, that groove, that pulse has landed MacGill roles in major motion pictures and on Broadway, and even a tour de force appearance…


We’re Heading to Reno!

Ukulele is packing up and heading to Reno for the 10th annual Reno Ukulele Festival, May 2-May 5. The Reno fest will be held at a new location this year, the Peppermill Casino, and will include workshops by “Jumpin’ Jim” and…

Swing Like Casey Macgill Ukulele Lesson

Uke Lesson: Swing Like Casey MacGill

BY ADAM PERLMUTTER | FROM THE SUMMER 2018 ISSUE OF UKULELE During the swing era, guitarists played simple but effective accompaniment—mainly two- and three-note chord voicings, played squarely on downbeats, four strums per bar. The guitar is a considerably larger…

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Collecting Vintage Ukulele Catalogs

When it comes to ukuleles, many things can be directly thought of as accessories, from clip-on tuners to decorative straps. One favorite is collecting old catalogs.


Ukulele is Back from Cuba!

In both January and March, adventurous musicians and music lovers traveled with Ukulele to Cuba! Here are a few highlights from this exciting experience. We’d like to give a very sincere thanks to D’Addario and Company for donating gear to some very thankful local…