
‘I’d Never Heard My Uke Sound Like This Before’: Jake Shimabukuro Discusses Using Pedals for his Album Nashville Sessions

Ortega Introduces Earth, Pineapple, Eclipse & Horizon Series Ukes at NAMM 2017
By Kelsey Holt Ortega Guitars unveiled its newest lines of ukuleles at the 2017 NAMM Show. The Earth line uses a colored stain, to show off the body wood, and white binding. They come in Fire (red), Ocean (blue), Coal (dark…

Check out the Artist and Region Series Ukes from Alvarez at Winter NAMM 2017
At Winter NAMM 2017, Alvarez Ukuleles showed off their Artist and Region Series Ukuleles. Watch the video for more info from Alvarez Ukuleles.

Kala Introduces 8-String Baritone + More NAMM 2017
By Greg Olwell In a visit to Kala Brand Music‘s booth at the 2017 NAMM show, they showed us the company’s new concert-size Waterman ukulele, plus tons of new designs and colors on the Ukadelic and Makala Shark and Dolphin lines, including concert…

Luna Makes Some Fun, Artistic Additions to its Ukulele Family at NAMM 2017
By Greg Olwell Luna, which has been enjoying a big bump from viral video star Grace VanderWaal using one of their Tattoo ukuleles during her star-making performances for America’s Got Talent, launched 18 ukuleles at the show. Ashley Jensen, of…

Lanikai Completely Revamps It Ukulele Lines WINTER NAMM 2017
By Kelsey Holt Watch as Rock Clouser from Lanikai Ukuleles walks us through the completely re-imagined uke lines. Lanikai ejected all of its prior lines and debuted 48 (!!!) new ukuleles. Gone are the complicated adjustable bridge saddles of the TunaUkes…

Cordoba’s Vintage-Style Updates to the 25 Series Ukuleles at 2017 NAMM Show
By Stephanie Powell Cordoba unveiled an update to its popular 25 series ukuleles at the 2017 NAMM Show. The vintage-style rope binding and rosette detail previously only available on the soprano model is now available across the entire line. Additionally, the 25 series is…

New Ohana SK-39 Vintage Style Mahogany Soprano at 2017 NAMM
By Greg Olwell Using “12th Street Rag,” a popular early ukulele showpiece, as a demo piece, Rachel Manke introduced the new vintage-style Ohana SK-39 at our booth at the 2017 NAMM show. Taking its design cues from the desirable Martin Style 3…

Joe Souza Introduces New Islander Ukuleles at the 2017 NAMM Show
By Greg Olwell For players not able to spend the money on one of Kanile’a‘s Hawaii-crafted ukuleles, the company developed the Islander line. Developed by Kanile’a’s Joe Souza, this line includes several features from the higher-end line, but in a more affordable import line…