
Ukulele Band to Open their Own Pub

We’ll drink to this. The British ukulele band the Everly Pregnant Brothers will assume control of The Shakespeare at Heeley, a long neglected pub south of Sheffield. “The idea was sparked over a pint after we’d come out of rehearsals,”…

A Ukulele Club Grows in Brooklyn

Calling all New York ukers! The newly formed Clinton Hill Ukulele Social Club will host a public jam session on Saturday, August 2 at Brooklyn’s Fort Greene Park at 4 p.m. “We are really there to entertain ourselves,” the group’s organizer, Liz Rabson…


Kids to Compete in Ukulele Contest

Silicon Valley may be the home to all things digital, but this weekend it will be treated to a dose of something altogether analog–the 1st Annual Ukes for Kids SF Bay Area Ukulele Contest in San Mateo, California. Kids from…

Lanikai Partners with Sailor Jerry for Tattoo Inspired Uke

This is one very hip uke. Lanikai Ukuleles has released a new concert model that incorporate artwork by tattoo legend Norman “Sailor Jerry” Collins. “The Sailor Jerry legacy has inspired generations of artists and designers around the world,” Lanikai Product Manager Leon Lewis…

Kala Unveils New Ukuleles, Guitarlele, and Tenor Guitar

Ukuleles and guitars come in all shapes and sizes, and sometimes the two are merged to make instruments that don’t fit squarely in either category. At this year’s summer NAMM show, Kala Brand Music showed Ukulele contributor Mark Kemp a…


Kids Power Hampshire, England, Ukulele World Record Attempt

The kids are alright, and may have helped make ukulele history. If Hampshire, England’s bid to best Yokohama, Japan, as the record holder for the largest ukulele strum-along in history is validated you can credit a large number of school kids. “There…