
Kala Introduces Slim New Travel Ukuleles

Kala’s uke line is slimming down for summer. The company has released two new cutaway ukuleles that make an already portable instrument that much more so. In fact, the KASSTU-SMC-C concert size and the KA-SSTU-SMT-C tenor model are each less…


Ukulele Sales Remain Hot, Retailers Say

These are boom times for the ukulele. A new survey of retailers conducted by Musical Merchandise Review finds that sales of the ukulele show no signs of cooling off. In fact, 51% of business surveyed said that sales of the…


Kala UBASS-SSMHG-FS and Bakithi Kumalo Signature U-Bass

If there's any instrument that can match the ukulele for soul-stirring goodness and deep emotional power, it's the bass. The folks at Kala must have felt that way, too, because when the company created the U-Bass by mixing ukulele and bass together in one instrument, it was a genius move up there with combining chocolate and peanut butter.