It's not just the home of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame—Cleveland also boasts one of the most rockin’ ukulele scenes in the country.
In this lesson from our Chord by Chord video series, you'll learn how to play in the key of F (and get the hang of that troublesome Bb chord!)
The group visited one rural school, one school in the capital city of Nairobi, and one nonprofit home for girls who had been in dangerous situations.
We interviewed the leaders of some of the most popular and well-run ukulele clubs in the world to get their advice on building a better ukulele club.
Practicing scales gives you more than just access to the notes in a given key
This ukulele lesson covers how to get good tone, playing with consistency & dynamics, using a slide on ukulele, proper muting technique & more.
Readers describe battling stage fright, the satisfaction of building your own ukulele, and, of course, the joy of playing with friends and for others.
One of the most important parts of learning to play ukulele is ear training and becoming familiar with the intervals of the major and chromatic scales.
Plowing through 20 years of the archives is like jumping headfirst into a swirling multimedia history of ukulele’s third wave
Here's how to use alternate and sometimes unconventional fingerings to find the smoothest fretting-hand movement on ukulele.