Because the banjo and the ukulele share a common high G string, right-hand techniques like "Scruggs style" rolls for banjo sound great on the uke!

The most famous version of this song was cut by Janis Joplin for her Pearl album just days before her death in October 1970

The carbon fiber material really is a great substitute for the exotic, mostly rare, and sometimes endangered woods that are used in the construction of many traditional ukuleles

This blues-based arpeggio exercise from Lil Rev can be played alongside any 12-bar shuffle or boogie groove

Sometimes ukes with the exact same features and brand or model names may have been produced by two or more different manufacturers

Ukulele players who started on guitar are inclined to adapt their guitar skills to the ukulele. Here's how to play blues fingerpicking on ukulele.

Vivas’ musical prowess and teaching skills has led to invitations to ukulele festivals worldwide

In this Songs For Beginners tutorial learn a simplified ukulele arrangement of "House of the Rising Sun" as well as a few general Fingerstyle ukulele tips.

This is a fun solo arrangement, attempting to capture some of the wonderful vibe and bounce of the five-piece group

These fingerstyle ukulele examples use one chord progression to teach several picking patterns that you can apply to your own music later on.