Franklin's elegant, innovative instruments have garnered attention far beyond the confines of his small Northern California community

This lesson dives into the 8-bar form, jazz-blues, minor blues, riffs, and rhythms

The acoustic-electric TKE is very much a working musician's ukulele

Virtual uke jams, meet ups, lessons, and performances are a a great way to stay connected to the ukulele community. Find events our ukulele events calendar or submit your own!

Craig Chee and Sarah Maisel have taken the reins of the club, which was started in 2006, and have made changes that have already increased attendance

There is no hard line between the worlds of acting, music, and writing for Nellie McKay

These relatives include instruments that evolved from the design and/or properties of the uke itself or were created as a result of its popularity, including the taro patch, Tahitian ukulele, tiple, and guitalele, as well as the ukelin

Here we examine what it is that makes Iz’s sound so alluring by taking a close look at various aspects of his playing technique, equipment, upbringing, and his mindset toward playing music

I’ve long been interested in learning to what degree the ukulele—a remarkably democratic instrument seemingly accessible to every strata of U.S. society—was popular among African American players and music fans from the end of World War I until the beginning of World War II

Hoyt filled in as the last-minute opener for AJR and got the crowd singing along to his music