
John Denver & The IV Chord

by Jim D’Ville Sure he had those boyish good looks—the impish smile, wire-rim glasses, and floppy hat. But it was his extensive use of the IV chord in his music which commanded us to turn over our hearts to him.…

Ukulele Chord Changers

What’s the Deal with Ukulele Chord Changers?

One of the enduring truths about the ukulele is that it’s an accessible instrument. Its four little strings match up nicely with a player’s four fretting hand fingers and it is relatively easy to play. Even on someone’s first day…


jerry nick carlos roger bobby ukulele lesson 3 chord magic

Unlock the Truth of A Song with Only 3 Chords

  BY JIM D’VILLE | FROM THE SUMMER 2018 ISSUE OF UKULELE Nashville songwriter Harlan Howard wrote and co-wrote thousands of three-chord country gems including “Heartaches by the Number,” “I Fall to Pieces,” and “I’ve Got a Tiger by the…

The Emotional Value of Chords

By Jim D’Ville | From the Winter 2016 issue of Ukulele When I started on the ukulele, I could not identify the chord changes in a song simply by listening. I learned the changes from written materials. A more apt…


A Guide to Four Basic Movable Dominant Chords

By Alec “Cheef” Poletsky Dominant chords are often used as “turnaround” chords on ukulele, usually appearing right before the major tonic chord (for example, in the key of C, you would have a G7 followed by a C major). A…