
Things About Strings: What You Need to Know About This Vital Part of Your Ukulele

How to Find the Right Ukulele and Strings For You
BY SARAH MAISEL Of course, the very first thing you will think of when you hear the word “gear” is all the electronics available out there. Though that part of being a musician is fun, I’m talking about something much…

Gear Guru: Change Your Uke Strings in 7 Easy Steps

How to Find the Best Ukulele and Strings for Your Needs
BY SARAH MAISEL | FROM THE SPRING 2019 ISSUE OF UKULELE Of course, the very first thing you will think of when you hear the word “gear” is all the electronics available out there. Though that part of being a musician is…

Review: Martin Ukulele Premium Strings

Vintage Ukulele Strings
A Look at the Packaging and Materials
TEXT AND PHOTOS BY SANDOR NAGYSZALANCZY | FROM THE SPRING 2018 ISSUE OF UKULELE If you’ve ever had the privilege of playing a vintage ukulele strung with old-fashioned natural-gut strings, you know what a warm, mellifluous sound those strings can…

New Tones, New Colors, New Sounds—New Strings Are The Easiest and Cheapest Way to Overhaul Your Uke

Kala Debuts Strings & Flashy New Colors on Archtop and Waterman Series
Kala recently debuted a flashy new addition to its archtop ukulele line. Now available in metallic white, the Kala Archtop has a body with an arched spruce top, mahogany back and sides, and a mahogany neck with a rosewood fingerboard.…

Desperately Seeking Ukuleles at Folk Alliance International
By Mark Kemp Well, folks, I’m here in Kansas City, Missouri, this week for the annual Folk Alliance International Conference, where more than 3,000 players and singers from more than 20 different countries will be strutting their stuff in the…