Luna Mo’o Cedar

Having entered the world of stringed instruments about a decade ago with a line of guitars designed specifically with female players in mind, Luna Guitars is the brainchild of musician and stained-glass artist Yvonne de Villiers. Luna has grown and…

Moku MS-90TC Tenor

While I met Moku Ukulele’s big Kahuna Mike Mulqueen at a recent Wine Country Ukulele Festival in Napa, California, somehow we didn’t get around to splitting a bottle of cabernet. We did, however, talk a lot about ukes. He loves…

Lanikai LK-CEU Concert UkeSB

More and more manufacturers are offering ukes with built-in pickups and electronics systems that allow hassle-free amplification. No need to use a microphone onstage; simply plug into an amp or PA. Working with Fishman—one of the leading experts in acoustic…

Uke Blues Solo Audio Examples

Contemporary ukulele virtuosos like Jake Shimabukuro, James Hill, and Herb Ohta have made it clear that just about any type of music can be played on a uke: rock, classical, jazz, you-name-it. So why not blues? Blues is the common…

