Kala UBASS-SSMHG-FS and Bakithi Kumalo Signature U-Bass

If there's any instrument that can match the ukulele for soul-stirring goodness and deep emotional power, it's the bass. The folks at Kala must have felt that way, too, because when the company created the U-Bass by mixing ukulele and bass together in one instrument, it was a genius move up there with combining chocolate and peanut butter.

National Reso-Phonic Style O

Even before the rise of that demon electricity, our forebears craved more volume from their acoustic instruments. In the process of looking for loudness, they tried many solutions, like building larger instruments or stealing the archtop idea from the violin…

Lanikai SOTTU-T Tenor Thinline and LUTU-21S

Lanikai smelled something fishy about ukuleles and spent the last three years working on a way to improve the instrument’s intonation. Borrowing from decades of guitar design innovations and focusing it on the jumping flea, they came up with a…


Your First Ukulele Lesson

By Holly Rudin-Braschi Oh-muh-gawd! You just got your first ukulele and are so excited. But, you don’t have any idea how to play and you want to start now. Perhaps you were inspired to purchase your ukulele because a friend invited…

Rick Turner Compass Rose Style-C Tenor

When it comes to making instruments, Rick Turner is a man of unbridled enthusiasm. He simply loves searching through the dustbins of history for the best ideas and synthesizing those with his own concepts to make singular guitars, basses, and…


Godin multiuke

Review: Godin MultiUke

The Godin MultiUke tenor ukulele turns something old and familiar into something sleek, sophisticated, and modern for players who want to plug in