Wahoo! Ukulele Store is Live

We couldn’t be more thrilled to introduce the Ukulele store! We’re offering all of our back issues,, and these beautiful Ukulele t-shirts!


Spring 2014

Heidi Swedberg has gone from fabled Seinfeld cast member to one of the nation’s top ukulele clinicians, Amanda Shires deconstructs the happy-go-lucky ukulele, the ukulele makes its case for a place in music education, luthier Gary Zimnicki makes beautiful music…

Breedlove American Tenor

Founded in 1990 by former Taylor Guitars employees Larry Breedlove and Steve Henderson, Breedlove Guitars immediately made a splash with its modernistic, sometimes asymmetrical designs, use of exotic woods, and careful attention to detail. In 2010, Breedlove added ukuleles to…

Eddy Finn EF-3-C

It’s not easy to leave your mark in the growing world of affordable ukes, where most instruments use the same familiar designs. And yet, companies continue to introduce instruments that make you say, “I haven’t seen that before.” In the…


Mahalo U-320P

One of the reasons the ukulele has had a resurgence in recent years is that this diminutive instrument can be incredibly affordable. What other instrument is inexpensive enough to be an impulse buy, yet stand a good chance that it’ll…